Hvide Sande Surfschool

Your personal Surfschool

Hvide Sande

Surf Courses

In a Wave Surfing course, you will learn all the basics of surfing such as popping up, paddling techniques, balance techniques, etc.

You will also learn how to read a wave and position yourself correctly to catch it.

Wave Surfing courses at Blue Spirit are limited to 10 people per course, ensuring the highest quality of instruction.

Location: Sydmolen Hvide Sande

Duration: 3 hours / 6 hours

Price: 445.00 DKK / 795.00 DKK


Privat hours

Private lessons are for those who want to learn quickly. You will have the instructor’s full attention at all times and will learn, wave by wave, what needs to be done differently.

There is also an opportunity for those who want to try a shortboard and need help getting started with it.

Location: Sydmole Hvide Sande

Duration: 2 hours

Price: 1000.00 DKK / extra person 500.00 DKK

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Based on 49 reviews
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ACg8ocLJmZzDNzyDbnnsHJCnj2aVlVClIZDTA5 A3QZZoHsIg58Q8Q=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moMoritz Büsing
18:04 25 Aug 24
ALV UjXvYxf m3p0kn8T5DvZNfvffaJ24akg AINYO53OHEUOmMHqYA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moBsg
18:03 25 Aug 24
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 4e257078e8e81c66ddfb6323c9425b40Tarek Shaer
07:59 18 Sep 23
fantastisk surfskole! vi reserverede en privat session for to af vores børn og fik det meste ud af det. tak lauri! vi kommer tilbage i hvide sande!
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 9ef423446daed8b2c4744d9efd621386ISS V
08:35 11 Sep 23
Vi havde et tre timers surfkursus med Nils. Takket være ham var vi i bestyrelsen efter den anden bølge. Alt i alt var det et fantastisk kursus. Nils tænkte også på at give eleverne mad og medbragte vand til alle. Han er virkelig en meget god lærer. Tak Nils
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 9d7b1c68d4a7080782efe41f2c5b2b89Iris Roebling-Grau
12:30 31 Aug 23
Meget rart sted at surfe, ideel til at komme i gang, meget flot lærer! Virkeligt sjovt!
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 afe224f2a2d98d70a9fc3ac91119bc6aNils Grube
19:56 25 Aug 23
Surfinstruktørerne er fantastiske, vi surfede i 4 dage, og det var virkelig sjovt. Surfinstruktørerne var altid venlige, hjælpsomme og frem for alt motiverede. Jeg er rigtig ked af at jeg ikke kunne bruge mere tid sammen med Jakob og Lauri, jeg syntes Jakobs kram til sidst var fantastisk.
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 7e93fb2555999a80bae4b6b08b32c331Tom
19:53 25 Aug 23
Jeg savner det allerede. Surfinstruktørerne var helt forrygende og super flinke (og varme). De har formået at bringe surfing til alle og sørge for, at alle lærer at elske at surfe. Jeg syntes det var fantastisk og tak for en dejlig uge
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 5417da4e339032cd54f08cb037335f27Caleb
14:06 23 Aug 23
Min familie og jeg deltog i et to-dages begynder surfkursus i august og havde det rigtig sjovt!Laurenz, surfinstruktøren, var super venlig og hensynsfuld til at hjælpe os og forklare alt for vores gruppe. Vi brugte meget tid ude på vandet, og Laurenz hjalp os med at finde de rigtige bølger og surfe på dem. Han hjalp alle, der havde brug for støtte, og sørgede meget for, at vi alle vidste, hvad vi skulle gøre på vandet.Alt i alt en skøn oplevelse med søde og hjælpsomme instruktører! Vil helt klart anbefale!
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 dea97ca72f02ceb408fd2b603595af7cWilliam Kirstaedter
15:09 13 Aug 23
Vi bookede et kursus på 2 dage, 3 timer hver, og kan kun varmt anbefale det. Laurenz lever op til sit motto "surfing for alle" og formår at rumme alle aldersgrupper og alle færdighedsniveauer. Vi havde ingen tidligere erfaring og var i stand til virkelig at lære noget her. Vi lejede endda udstyr igen de næste to dage uden besvær, fordi vi havde det så sjovt at surfe.Tak skal du have!
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 e614a3f20bbd326e95af0f0f5af0d90fPhiline K.
15:06 13 Aug 23
Vi tog det to-dages surfkursus med Lauri, og han hjalp os med succes med at lære det grundlæggende i surfing, både i teorien og i praksis. Selvom vi begge dage havde teenagere og børn med, som trængte til lidt mere opmærksomhed, holdt han stadig øje med dig og gav gode tips til, hvad der kunne forbedres. Fordi vi var så spændte, kunne vi nemt låne tavler og neos af ham i dagene efter. Alt perfekt! Vi kommer gerne tilbage 🙂
ACNPEu ZxXr7gf4Nk NAhtwZLdVBx3Uh POtCw0Q2UgZiQ=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moKarsten Schäfer
14:47 28 Aug 22
Min søn og jeg tog et to-dages surfkursus med Laurenz og fik vores første oplevelser på boardet. Super nem booking. Fantastisk guide og selvom bølgerne ikke var de største fangede vi et par stykker. Var absolut det værd. Blue Spirit er en absolut anbefaling ????.
ALm5wu3BsPcUkq PaRq4AuUpuAxC2Z19thn5yeszcM 1=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moSimon
13:12 28 Aug 22
Jeg (15) tog det to-dages begynderkursus med min far. Vi havde to ekstremt gode dage (3 timer hver) med Laurenz og de andre surfbegyndere.Efter en teorienhed, hvor vi lærte alt vigtigt for surfing, gik vi i vandet, og vi kunne surfe på vores første bølger.Takket være individuelle tips og lidt hjælp til at fange bølger, var vi snart på tavlen, hvilken fantastisk følelse.Så kurset var meget produktivt og samtidig havde vi det rigtig sjovt.Tak for sådan en dejlig første surfoplevelse!Måske ses vi igen engang på videregående kursus 🙂
ALm5wu0DgMJJH8FvpywnTlTIQx89koEboJAVelAw2imR=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moNorbert Heinrich
07:53 27 Aug 22
Vi lavede en familiesurfingklasse for os og vores drenge og lejede udstyr i dagevis bagefter. Lauri træneren var super venlig og afslappet, de motiverede drengene, fik os alle til at gøre reelle fremskridt i vores færdigheder og imødekom vores let handicappede søns behov. Vi var alle meget glade, dette gjorde en stor del af vores ferie og var bestemt pengene værd!!
ALm5wu3EKStElxCJe73IScsgRsLZsCl X3wIjWG7RzP=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moSandra Krinke
16:34 23 Aug 22
Jeg tog private surflektioner med Laurenz, hvilket var en fantastisk oplevelse. Laurenz er en super venlig instruktør, meget omsorgsfuld og lydhør over for individuelle behov. Jeg har haft et par surflektioner med andre surfskoler i forskellige lande før, men lektionerne med Laurenz var langt de bedste. Man kan mærke, at han er meget passioneret omkring det, han laver. Så hvis du leder efter en fantastisk surfoplevelse, så gå med Blue Spirit!
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 cbedea8bd04cb9278a147c5d8bd40481Henrik Boel
14:52 03 Aug 22
Rigtig god surflære, god service, super oplevelse.
ACg8ocKKbwaV tF678n7IM XGl LY2PKSMV7y4mhqFXkcw7EfK42 1M=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moCharlotte P
10:41 31 Aug 24
Lauri Mausi (very cool surf school)
ACg8ocIH6cCSQ1zQCNDRvEsMOs2HD19NDqrcQBBSDqa6TIPwSJGwWA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moLene Møller
07:01 29 Aug 24
Blue Spirit - the name alone lifts one's mood and desire to jump into the waves, and the surf instructor lived up to the name! I took a one-day course, in the morning, the course was filled with an exciting age group from approx. 8 years to 67. The instructor managed to include everyone regardless of age and level with lots of enthusiasm. You were seen, got good tips, lots of praise and were taken care of. A wonderful experience that I look forward to again next summer😃💙🌊🏄
ACg8ocLJmZzDNzyDbnnsHJCnj2aVlVClIZDTA5 A3QZZoHsIg58Q8Q=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moMoritz Büsing
18:04 25 Aug 24
ALV UjXvYxf m3p0kn8T5DvZNfvffaJ24akg AINYO53OHEUOmMHqYA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moBsg
18:03 25 Aug 24
ALV UjXHRPAAzty5UG3HQ43WjuwkyaGmvctnM9bUtiVfTZ2mPrBbVCt =s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moDaniel Hoffmann
11:09 18 Jul 24
Had the beginners surf course with Blue Spirit. The instructor (the Danish founder of the school) was great, his passion for the sport is matched only by his enthusiasm to teach. Be prepared for 2,5 hours in the water, and good progress 🙂
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 4e257078e8e81c66ddfb6323c9425b40Tarek Shaer
07:59 18 Sep 23
great surf school! we booked a private session for two of our kids and got the most out of it. thanks lauri! we'll be back in hvide sande!
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 9ef423446daed8b2c4744d9efd621386ISS V
08:35 11 Sep 23
We had a three hour surfing course with Nils. Thanks to him we were on the board after the second wave. Overall it was a great course. Nils also thought about feeding the students and brought water for everyone. He is really a very good teacher. Thanks Nils
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 9d7b1c68d4a7080782efe41f2c5b2b89Iris Roebling-Grau
12:30 31 Aug 23
Very nice place to surf, great to start, very nice teacher! Great fun!
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 afe224f2a2d98d70a9fc3ac91119bc6aNils Grube
19:56 25 Aug 23
The surf instructors are great, we went surfing for 4 days and it was really fun. The surf instructors were always friendly, helpful and, above all, motivated. I'm really sad that I couldn't spend more time with Jakob and Lauri, I thought Jakob's hug at the end was great.
ChIJucPHQLRfSkYRWs9c Ggkz48 7e93fb2555999a80bae4b6b08b32c331Tom
19:53 25 Aug 23
I already miss it. The surf instructors were absolutely terrific and super nice (and hot). They have managed to bring surfing to everyone and to make sure that everyone learns to love surfing. I thought it was great and thank you for the nice week
ACg8ocJQEsaHsdn34zlw90XldTgc3qlSLt0GidxxUlbuA l IFPd PY=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moCaleb
14:06 23 Aug 23
My family and I took part in a two-day beginner surf course this August and had great fun!Laurenz, the surf instructor, was super kind and considerate in helping us and explaining everything to our group. We spent a lot of time out on the water, and Laurenz helped us find the right waves and surf them. He helped anyone who needed support, and took great care in making sure we all knew what to do on the water.All in all a wonderful experience with nice and helpful instructors! Would definitely recommend!
ALV UjX38V JDNteZrwUuDJRW5ldSIr25pV7n10qFBsT60iRGNvZhSFU=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp mo ba2Norbert Heinrich
07:53 27 Aug 22
We did a family surfing class for us and our boys and rented gear for days afterwards. Lauri the coach was super friendly and relaxed, they motivated the boys, got us all to make real progress in our skills, and accommodated the needs of our slightly handicapped son. We all were very happy, this made a great part of our holiday and was definitely worth the money!!Update 2024: coming back 2 years later, still as great! We so much enjoyed the nice and encouraging attitude of Lauri the surfcoach. Also, scanning local prices, Blue Spirit pricing is really competitive.
ACg8ocIiCzW6U0gxlGsJR9uQxkw T20bAIYwzeSZc1GY9jn7RQ3lDA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moSandra Krinke
16:34 23 Aug 22
I took private surf lessons with Laurenz which was a great experience. Laurenz is a super friendly instructor, very caring and responsive to individual needs. I’ve had a couple of surf lessons with other surf schools in different countries before, however the lessons with Laurenz were by far the best. You can tell that he is very passionate about what he does. So if you are looking for a great surf experience, go with Blue Spirit!
ALV UjWB1iwLOmRxmNKkEJk7xJzYjGwaCTNddXiiBmxb0NqDXwJflkV9=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moJesse Buddingh
14:30 08 Aug 22
We had two great surf lessons in which we've gotten a lot of valuable tips, thanks to our great instructor Laurens! We will definitely come back! 🤙
ALm5wu0MiG8xbG0Qkgt9nKEioW8EfYEopcVnpMd92LW =s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moMichael Petersen
13:38 04 Aug 22
super nice spot, super nice equipment, super nice coach which really goes into your individual needs. we had a lot of fun on the water but also reached fast progress together. strong recommendation!!!
ALm5wu1TJsiYzwafkTRIl3laJyXfTo8 qxlTQzHdG615=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moHanno Heimann
17:01 20 Jun 22
The Surf lesson i took was very nice! My Surfguide gave me a lot of great tipps and it was very funny too.

We have very beginner-friendly boards to ensure you have the best introduction to the sport.

We also have warm wetsuits, so you don’t have to struggle to stay warm – you can just focus on having fun.

The only things you need to bring to the surf course are:

  • Towel
  • Swimwear
  • A good mood

We look forward to seeing you for a wonderful day on the water!

You’ll find our surf station conveniently located at Tungevej 2, right by the northern parking lot.

For easy navigation, simply search for Blue Spirit on Google Maps, and you’ll be guided directly to our doorstep. From there, it’s just a few steps to the beach and the waves.

You can click above on ‘Book here’, and you will be redirected to our booking system. Once you have filled in all the details, you can pay through the booking system. As soon as the payment is processed, you will receive a confirmation email.

If you would like to make a purchase on site or book the next course or private lesson directly, you can pay by card, mobile pay, or cash. (It must be the exact amount)

Hvide Sande is a true paradise for surfers, and it’s easy to see why. With its unique location and natural conditions, Hvide Sande offers ideal conditions for both beginners and experienced surfers.

Sydmolen in Hvide Sande is a real gem for surfing enthusiasts. It protects the coastline from the biggest waves, creating perfect conditions for beginners who want to try their hand at wave surfing. Here, you can learn the basic techniques of the sport in a safe and comfortable way. The shallow water and the ability to stand far out make it a safe and optimal place to develop your surfing skills.

Safety is always a top priority in Hvide Sande. With lifeguards on the beach, you can feel secure as you explore the magic of the waves. This combination of fantastic surfing conditions and high safety makes Hvide Sande an ideal place for anyone wanting to experience the joy of surfing.

Whether you are an avid surfer in search of the perfect wave or a beginner ready to start your surfing adventure, Hvide Sande is the place where your surfing dreams can become a reality.

Our motto is “Surfing for Everyone” – this means that we do not set limits on who can learn to surf. In terms of safety, we have a rule that one must be at least 9 years old to participate in our surf courses. If the children are younger, we always offer the possibility of a private lesson with one of our instructors, so they can have a personalized and tailored experience.

Über uns - Laurenz Rohwedder

Meet your Instructor

I cant think of a better place to be than out in the waves. There is so much shared high energy when people are catching waves. And at the end of the day it doesnt matter how you catch them, as long as you do catch them 🙂 Looking forward to beeing on the water with you!
Über uns - Laurenz Rohwedder
Laurenz Rohwedder
Surfen Surfskole

Surfboard rental in Hvide Sande

Surfboards from Vision Boards: High-quality boards available in various sizes to suit all levels and wave conditions.

Rip Curl Wetsuits: Stay warm and comfortable on the water, no matter the weather.

Essential Accessories: Leashes, wax, and everything else you need to hit the waves.

Why Choose Blue Spirit?

Premium Equipment: All our boards and wetsuits are carefully selected and regularly maintained to ensure the best quality.

Perfect Location: Our surf station is right by the beach at Tungevej 2, so you can head straight to the water.

Flexible Rentals: Rent gear for a few hours, a full day, or multiple days – whatever suits your plans.

No Booking Needed: Just drop by, choose your gear, and you’re ready to surf.

How It Works

  1. Visit Us: Stop by our surf station at Tungevej 2, Hvide Sande.
  2. Choose Your Gear: Our team will help you find the perfect board and wetsuit for your needs.
  3. Hit the Waves: From our location, you can walk straight to the beach and start your surf adventure.
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How do your surfing courses work?

Our Surfing Courses are built according to the Danish Surf and Rafting Federation’s Guidelines. Our trained instructors focus on teaching you surfing in an easy and fun way.

This means that we go through all the important safety factors, and we explain all the techniques that are important for learning to surf. After the theoretical part, we do a warm-up and some exercises on land, so we are ready to be on the water. We have warm wetsuits, and there is an option to purchase neoprene shoes if desired, so you stay warm in the water.

The primary focus of our courses is to try to catch some waves, and when successful, we look more closely at how to perform a pop-up. There will always be an instructor around you to help push you into your next wave. When we are finished on the water, there will always be a joint course conclusion, where we will talk about what we have gone through during the day, and what the next steps can be for you.

There is also the possibility to organize a Surf Camp and make private courses for larger groups. We are flexible and look forward to hearing from you.

Why surfing?

Wave surfing is a thrilling way to connect with nature and experience the power of the ocean. Like SUP, windsurfing, and kitesurfing, surfing offers an incredible mix of adventure and joy. Imagine the rush of catching a wave, gliding down its crest, and feeling completely free – it’s a moment you’ll never forget.

At Blue Spirit Surf School, we believe surfing is for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or an experienced surfer looking to refine your skills, we’re here to guide you. Our community celebrates the thrill of surfing and the unique “surf stoke” that brings people together on the waves.

With multiple surf disciplines to explore, from graceful longboarding to dynamic shortboarding, there’s something for everyone. Located in Hvide Sande, one of Denmark’s premier surfing destinations, we provide the perfect spot to ride the waves and make unforgettable memories.

Join us today and experience the magic of surfing. See you out there! 🌊

Team Blue Spirit

Blue Spirit by Gjerluff 0078